Social media and work environment
: the consequences of social media usage, mediated by social media disorder in the job satisfaction and engagement level

  • Júlia de Oliveira Dal Pozzolo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Today a lot is known about how social media influences our personal lives. A lot of research has been made on how using internal social media inside companies can connect employees with each other, get to know themselves better, share personal and professional experiences, and create a direct connection with the customers (Lee, Lee, Chudoba & Manheim, 2013). However, so little is known about the effects of how getting distracted by the uses of private social media inside the work environment can disturb your motivation and performance during your working hours. The objective of this research is to understand the negative consequences the use of social media can have in the workplace regarding the satisfaction and engagement level. So an empirical study was conducted to investigate whether the initial question “can social media usage develop into a social media disorder causing consequences in our job satisfaction and work engagement?” The study was conducted over 67 participants through an online questionnaire, which brought findings that highlighted the increasing the use of social media can trigger social media disorder, but also new discoveries when the H1 was proven, showing us that as the amount of time spent on social media usage grows, there is a tendency for job satisfaction to decline.
Date of Award20 Mar 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCristina Maria Lopes Camilo (Supervisor)


  • Social media
  • Work engagement
  • Job satisfaction
  • Social media disorder


  • Mestrado em Psicologia na Gestão e Economia

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