: um caminho de fé : contributos para uma pastoral da saúde

  • Tiago Leonel Araújo Cunha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Suffering is one of the questions that always disquieted Humanity and, therefore, crosses history, producing a lot of drama and affliction, besides endless questions without answer thus, man dwells (delves) in uncertainty, which translates in lack of sense, e. g., of a meaning capable of making man face difficult situations, something inherent to the human limitations. In fact, only delving in the mystery of Jesus can we find the meaning of suffering, because only observing His Passion can we find the light shining in our anxieties adorning our frailties, sufferings with his eyes on the Cross of Jesus, his horizons broaden towards the discovering of true love, the love of Christ, for the one who suffers, transforming suffering into redemption. The present investigation intends to show that man, in situations of suffering, may continue to live his Faith, which often opens the doors of Hope and gives him the full meaning of life. Therefore, Church, having always those who suffer at the center of her action, presents the Health Ministry (Pastoral) as a way of providing the sick with a special experience of Faith in moments of major suffering.
Date of Award9 Jan 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Paulo Leite de Abreu (Supervisor)


  • Suffering
  • Pain
  • Sickness
  • Death
  • Meaning
  • Limits
  • Faith
  • Health Ministry (Pastoral)


  • Mestrado em Teologia

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