Supervisão, expectativas e avaliação do papel do director de turma
: estudo de caso

  • Ercília Maria Gomes Faria de Sousa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The form tutor has a key role as mediator of conflicts that aren´t limited to the school walls, but are also spread through all the teaching community. The form tutor has many bureaucratic and administrative responsibilities, softened by the use of proper methodologies and technological devices, that the form tutor needs to build up to be used in all the tasks he does. As far as the form tutors’ coordinator and the form tutor are concerned, that perspective take us to analyse the role of the form tutor, mainly the way he sees himself, the way the parents and students see him and the things they expect from him. In this research project based on a case study, that was focused on opinions given, the role of the form tutor is analysed, looking at how the form tutor is seen by all the players involved in the educational process. The study has led to the conclusion that the role of the form tutor in school is very important as far as the supervising link is concerned, and the form tutor is truly an element of value, providing the players involved in the educational process with his own sense of work, openness and responsibility. This study is worth since the results anlysis shows that the opinions of all the players involved in the educational process should be valued and that all players involved can work together to achieve common goals, such as promoting good teaching practices and taking to a successful educational environment.
Date of Award10 Apr 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • School
  • Supervision
  • Evaluation
  • Expectation, form tutor


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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