: supervisão pedagógica : um alicerce para a construção do saber

  • Cheila Isabel Ferreira Nunes e Sá Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report covers the area of pedagogical supervision, as a foundation for the construction of knowledge. Much has been said about the success and failure of Portuguese students, where the results persisted in being unfavorable, as Portugal continues to be on the tail of the less positive results, at the EU countries level. If we look beyond the trees, and consider the forest, we find that the whole process of our student’s education requires the work of many and involves several factors. To teach how to teach it is necessary to learn to teach and also as we teach we learn. This whole process needs to be supported by supervision. The literature on the subject of pedagogical supervision presents the various definitions of supervision, as well as the historical context of its appearance, the several models, scenes, styles and approaches. The pedagogical supervision, contrary to what one might think, is not only related to the initial formation of future teachers, but also with the ongoing formation, necessary for the constant development of a professional learner, such as the teacher. Teacher formation, either initial or ongoing, is performed based on the legislation principles, because everything has to be followed according to the procedures of the Ministry of Education. It is a process to support formation, being this seen as professional apprenticeship, which involves people, each with their functions. Formation should be done in an action-reflection environment, involving means such as observation, activities planning, communication and evaluation. Throughout the supervisory process, learning and human and professional development are promoted. The essential object of supervision is the quality of the formation and of the education practiced or that will be practiced, not only in the classroom context, but also covering the school, as a development for organizational and professional quality of school collaborators, through a learning that can be individual, but in a collective context. Through a structure or base, using a particular model, scenario, style or approach, supervision is implemented. As “windows” to be able to see the conceptions and not as “walls” that block the view and prevent the learning process, seeing the supervision in a broader context - school supervision and ongoing formation supervision. The whole environment in which supervision takes place is essential, promoting good relations between colleagues and institutions, ie, good “ecological transitions”, where empathy relationship is half way to achieved success. Supervision should be self-critical and critical practices, where there is an ideological commitment to a vision of education and professional development, as processes of transformation and emancipation, at the institutional, cultural and social levels. To be a supervisor one has to have a vision of what teaching is, guiding the students to building a democratic society. Being a teacher is to be a professional with social, moral and scientific commitment, having base scientific knowledge and educational nature skills, constantly reflecting on actions and results, ie, being a reflective teacher, in a reflexive school.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Pedagogical supervision
  • Supervisors
  • Trainees
  • Teachers
  • Reflection
  • School


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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