: facing the decision nof choosing a new market : Brasil or Angola?

  • João Maria O'Donnell Faria (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work aims to provide a teaching case study in the area of international strategy by deeply explain the basis for an analysis of a possible expansion to new countries by a Portuguese company called Tecnodeck, which sells an innovative type of deck. The objective is to give teachers and students access to a practical example where theoretical frameworks can be applied and contain three parts: Case-Study, Teaching Notes and Literature Review. Founded in 2005, Tecnodeck is the market leader in Portugal in the deck sales, selling a product with specific characteristics that differentiate the company from its competitors. In the beginning of 2012, as the management of the company noticed a negative pattern in the growth of the business, there was made an important decision: operations in international markets should be expanded and the firm should become less dependent on the Portuguese market, which accounted for 75% of the sales at the time. This expansion is the central theme in the case. In the first part of the case, there are chapters explaining the first times in the business, the business model, context in Portugal when the decision is to be taken, international markets where the company already operates, and market perspectives from the sector that absorbs a great share of the company´s sales: the construction sector. In the second chapter, there is a brief explanation on the important factors to having into account when choosing the next destination, and a detailed analysis of the two main possibilities: Brazil and Angola. The second part gives instructions on how to conduct the presentation of the case in class, suggesting possible questions and discussion topics to be proposed in class, as well as possible ways of answering the proposed questions. The literature review uses theoretical articles or statements to explain the frameworks used in the case.
Date of Award2014
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Cardeal (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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