Tecnologias de informação e comunicação na Escola Secundária em Cabo Verde
: perceções dos agentes educativos

  • Alesandra Ramos Tomar (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation over “As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Escola Secundária, em Cabo Verde - perceções dos agentes educativos”, is the culmination of a long process of formation initiated that joint 1rst, and 2nd cycle of higher formation (Graduation and Master´s degree), in which we initiate our specialization in Scientific area of Communication Multimedia, formation that we intend to continue in long life perspective. So we are investing in the realization of this specific subject, very important to our country - Cape Verde. In this subject we are developing a discussion over technology improvement as political determination to establish of a functional systematization of the information and the available communication to the citizen, capable to make possible the Cape Verde integration in the knowledge Information Society with particular emphasis to the Education and to the changes implemented and that go from introduction of technologies in education management system to his exploration as pedagogic and educative resource. We emphasize here his existence as a pedagogic source during the teaching and the learning process and in the development of a collaborative culture between the members of school community particularly teachers and the students. The education plays an important role in the context of technological innovation, leaving the responsibility to integrate the information communication technology in the management, teaching and teacher education as well as training material structures to live in the digital world. For this, it has specific programs such as «Mundu Novu», which acts to bringing innovation to the classroom. The implementation of ICT in schools, in teaching and learning, and teacher education is a great investment that is ongoing, having been pilots’ experiments, teacher education and training in computers equipment’s. There is a recognition that the process is at an early stage so we need to increase the number of devices per user, training teachers for the exploration of educational technologies of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, exceeding the limits of the office tools, despite its great potential and work in deep renewal of attitudes and barriers of traditional education. We believe that in Cape Verde we are in the beginning of a long way that will connect our country as active member of the knowledge Information Society, in the perspective of producers overcoming the simple existence potentialities consumption giving to Technology Education a pivotal role in Cape Verdean society, in the formation and integration on the present and future citizens in the global community where the information and communication are at the distance of a click.
Date of Award8 Oct 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSílvia Maria Castro Fortes Cardoso (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Formação e Comunicação Multimédia

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