The impact of packaging messages on brand love

  • Joana Figueiredo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Several studies have established the positive outcomes of using warm and humorous appeals in advertising. However, the effects of these appeals have not been explored in the context of packaging messages. This study aims to investigate whether packaging messages influence brand love. Particularly, this research analyzes whether warm and humorous packaging messages have an impact on brand love. This study included a utilitarian product (Luso mineral water) and a hedonic product (Coca Cola). The first stage of this research included interviews (N=8) and an online survey (N=43) to develop and validate one humorous and one warm message. The second stage included an experimental study implemented through an online questionnaire (N=367). Findings suggest that the impact of a warm and humorous message on brand love differs. This study found no evidence that a warm packaging message influences brand love. However, findings indicate that a humorous message is associated with lower brand love, particularly within the utilitarian product under study. This research further suggests that the impact of packaging messages is moderated by product type. In conclusion, and from a managerial perspective, this study suggests that packaging messages should be implemented with caution, as they may adversely affect the consumer-brand relationship.
Date of Award25 Jan 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaulo Romeiro (Supervisor)


  • Brand love
  • Packaging messages
  • Product type
  • Hedonic-utilitarian
  • Humor
  • Warmth


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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