The influence of artificial intelligence on strategic alliance formation
: evaluating the integration and impact on traditional frameworks and processes

  • Ann-Sophie Schmidt (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This thesis investigates the potential impact of AI on the formation of strategic alliances, particularly examining how AI might influence the traditional frameworks, processes and selection criteria within partnership formation. Thereby, the rapid implementation of AI and its involvement within the business landscape are recognized in the concept of alliance formation, creating a yet not existing intersection of the two fields. The research of this thesis is based on thirteen interviews with experts in the areas of AI and strategic alliance formation. The main findings of this thesis propose that nowadays AI is no main driver within alliance formation, playing only a minor role in current alliances. The possibility of AI to replace the needs for alliance formation has been declined with an emphasis of the incapability of AI to replace certain human competencies and components within alliances. Rather, AI is seen as a potential ally within the formation processes and the collaboration within alliances themselves, possibly supporting the accomplishment of alliance formation motives. Concerning the relevance of common selection criteria, an emphasis is laid on the unchanging importance of partner-related criteria. AI9s potential role in the evaluation of alliance candidates has been more controversy, indicating many uncertainties concerning the involvement of AI within the processes. The thesis concludes with managerial implications based on the main findings and proposals concerning the further research within this novel area.
Date of Award23 Oct 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Parada (Supervisor)


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Strategic alliance formation
  • Alliance motives
  • AI use cases
  • Qualitative research


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas (mestrado internacional)

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