The role of paid media managers in driving effective paid media strategies in an advertising agency

  • Bianca Sofia Dominguez de Oliveira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Technological advancements have driven the increasing availability of data and the emergence of online media platforms, which have inherently reshaped the landscape of media planning and buying practices. These changes have triggered a redefinition of the activities and skills demanded by media professionals who struggle to achieve the full potential of digital advertising. This study aims to explore the role of the Paid Media Manager in successfully implementing a digital advertising campaign. This involves understanding the key activities that must be performed, and the necessary skills to support the performance of those activities, which ultimately should culminate in benefits for brands seeking digital advertising solutions. To accomplish this goal, we selected a multiple-case study approach built on top of 8 interviews with Paid Media Managers from advertising agencies and 5 clients of digital paid media services. Throughout the analysis, we identified that the Paid Media Manager should challenge the client briefing to effectively plan a digital advertising campaign that can achieve client objectives, collaborate with the creative team to guarantee the alignment between creative content and paid media strategy, and interactively adjust campaign elements for campaign performance’s optimization. Moreover, the findings suggest that the activities needed to be carried out by the Paid Media Manager demand technical, information management, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. Finally, this research also suggests that successful implementation culminates in benefits for brands, namely efficient targeting, real-time adaptation of content, and cost-effectiveness. The current study provides an actionable roadmap for effective implementation of a digital advertising campaign for Managers in advertising agencies.
Date of Award23 Jul 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSusana Silva (Supervisor)


  • Advertising agency
  • Paid media manager
  • Digital advertising
  • Paid media
  • Skills


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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