The underrepresentation of women in the international courts

  • Eva Luna Brás Pinho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The underrepresentation of women in the international courts reduces the democratic, normative, and sociological legitimacy of their decisions. Although States are bound to multiple legal instruments which impose that they take measures to ensure gender equality and balance, women face gender stereotypes and suffer discrimination which in turn jeopardizes their attempts to achieve the international judiciary. The national nominations and international procedures suffer from a lack of transparency and impartial evaluation standards leading to the perpetuation of exclusive networks that prioritize political maneuvering over the technical qualification of candidates. To ensure a representative and legitimate international bench, measures must be taken to ensure de facto equality for women, mandatory gender quotas and aspirational language in the Statutes of the Courts are tools that may reduce the issue.
Date of Award22 Dec 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorBenedita Menezes Queiroz (Supervisor)


  • International courts
  • Women
  • Representation
  • Legitimacy
  • Nomination and selection processes
  • Transparency
  • Institutionalized screening
  • Gender quotas


  • Mestrado em Direito Transnacional

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