Transição para a vida pós-escolar de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais

  • Júlio Fernando Alves da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The purpose of this professional activity report is to present professional practice with children and young people with Special Education Needs (SEN) as teachers of Special Education. Additionally, we intend to share training practices as well as working experience we have had during the last twenty years working with the main disabilities the referred students possess. School has, undoubtedly and unquestionably, a fundamental role in the life of all children and young people but it assumes highlighted importance in the students life with special educational needs, particularly in their preparation for the Transition to Post-School Life (TPSL)/ Transition Active Living (TAL). It is up to school to improve the life of these students and to provide them the background needed to face the adversities of the outside world, considering the endogenous factors, their real and special needs and their functionality profile, according to the International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health of children and Young people. School must adjust and adopt educational practices that contribute to develop personal and social skills essential to improve the quality of life of these youngsters. Therefore, it was our aim to understand how school organises itself in compliance with Law Decree 3/2008, 7 January and Ministerial Order 201C/2015 10 June, as regards the preparation of students with special needs to post-life/ active living. This way, we present the case of a student with mental disability we have worked with, developing a record of his life project. We will present the school route of this student, his functionality profile, his and his family prospects regarding school and transition to post-school life and the educational practices that were adopted for him, in particular. It will be shown that students with mental disabilities need educational measures adjusted to their functionality profile along with an effective synergy which assures all the essential conditions, with the collaboration of the family, the community and Resource Centres to Inclusion (RCI), that only a truly inclusive school can provide, for the success of special needs students. Only this way schools will be able to offer these students a brighter future as useful individuals, fully accepted by their community and society, in general. This research proves that there is still a long way to go to achieve the effectiveness of TPSL processes.
Date of Award28 Sept 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFilomena Ermida Figueiredo Branco da Ponte (Supervisor)


  • Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • Transition to Post-school Life (TPSL)
  • Transition to Active Living (TAL)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial

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