Ubuntu para heróis
: estudo piloto com crianças do 1° ciclo

  • Maria Barbosa Estevez Pintado Teixeira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the ''Ubuntu for Heroes'' programme, which resulted from the combination of two others, the HIP (Heroic Imagination Project) and the ALU (Ubuntu Leaders Academy), on the socioemotional development of primary school children. Six students involved in the program ''Ubuntu for Heroes'', their parents (n=6) and their teachers (n=2) participated in this study. The data collection instruments were three semi-structured interview scripts built and adapted for this study. The results highlight the positive impact that the ‘’Ubuntu for Heroes’’ program had on students in terms of behavioral, social, cognitive, emotional and environmental awareness. This impact is also reflected in the high satisfaction that all participants showed with the programme. Most of the students demonstrated the acquisition of knowledge in terms of prosocial dynamics. Considering the results, some practical guidelines are suggested, such as expanding the ‘’Ubuntu for Heroes’’ programme to other schools as well as to risk groups. It would also be pertinent to adapt the methodologies and extend the number of sessions, in order to ensure that the more complex contents are understood by all students. It would also be important to give parents the possibility to participate in this type of programmes, as well as train teachers to implement socio-emotional development programmes with their students.
Date of Award14 Oct 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMariana Barbosa (Supervisor) & Lurdes Veríssimo (Co-Supervisor)


  • Ubuntu for Heroes
  • Primary school students
  • Socio-emotional skills
  • Prosocial behaviors


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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