Um contributo de revisão pedagógica e didática do programa da disciplina de instrumento
: clarinete do curso básico de música

  • Joana Isabel Pinheiro Vieira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present study, entitled “A pedagogical and didactic review of the contribution instrument discipline program – clarinet basic course in music”, intends to be a pedagogical and didactic contribution for the instrumental teaching – clarinet. By applying the Simultaneous Learning pedagogical approach of Paul Harris, the researcher aims to enable new tools for teaching clarinet, and to develop and apply new musical elements not included in the instrument program - Clarinet basic course in music. The program currently in place in the chosen institution is inadequate and out of date in regards to musical skills, assessment tools and substantiation of the conceptual framework. On the one hand it is intended to give an educational contribution by applying the Paul Harris methodology for clarinet program, on the other one it arose the need to make a contribution to the "art of teaching" an instrument. This case study, of a qualitative nature, was held in Academia de Música de Vilar do Paraíso, during a non-teaching period - from July to September 2016. The study included three students, aged between 11 and 12 who attended, in the school year 2015/2016, the 6th year, of the integrated system of AMVP. The techniques used for the collection and production of data: direct and participant observation, field notes recorded in the investigator logbook, semi-structured interviews with participating students and documentary research. The collected data were interpreted and presented through the content analysis technique. The results of this research showed that the pedagogical approach of Paul Harris applied to the clarinet education improves student learning, representing thus an instrument of the program contribution - clarinet, to invest in an innovative and creative pedagogy that captivates and motivates students for the teaching of music.
Date of Award31 Jan 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuísa Orvalho (Supervisor)


  • Paul Harris pedagogy
  • Simultaneous learning
  • Instrument program - clarinet
  • Motivation in learning
  • Musical elements


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Música

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