Um e-referencial pedagógico e didático
: para miúdos e graúdos: de apoio à aprendizagem do instrumento violoncelo: iniciação e 1º grau do ensino básico de múscia

  • Ana Margarida Amaro Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report, as part of the Master’s Degree in Music Teaching, at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa do Porto, aims to highlight the learning carried out during the Professional Practice (PP), in the areas of specialization Cello (M25) and Ensemble Classes (M32) and also the research, applied to the design, implementation and evaluation of the Project of Pedagogical Intervention (PIP). The professional practice was held at the Escola Artística Conservatório de Música Calouste Gulbenkian de Braga (EACMCGB), during the academic year 2022/2023, having as Scientific Orientator Professor Luísa Orvalho and as Cooperative Pedagogical Professor Raquel Alves. With this PIP, it was sought to verify whether students and educational officers who used the tool “Um e-referencial pedagógico e didático – para miúdos e graúdos – de apoio à aprendizagem do instrumento Violoncelo – Iniciação e 1º Grau do Ensino Básico de Música”, during the daily individual study of cello, had a greater facility in the perception of individual homework, whether it was an element that promoted the participation of educational officers, during the study of their pupils, if it was a motivating tool that helped students to good results, consolidating and giving continuity to the learning carried out during the classes. Another goal of this PIP was to contribute to the development of the Digital Education Action Plan in Portugal (2021-2027) and some of the objectives of the EACMCGB Digital Development Action Plan (2021–2023), fostering the versatility and importance of integrating digital tools as a means of teaching and learning in Music Education. In this educational research participated five students of the cello class, two of whom attend, in an integrated regime, Initiation II, one the Initiation IV and two the 1st Degree of the Basic Course of Music, with ages between 7 and the 10 and their respective educators. As data collection and production techniques were used surveys by questionnaires, workshop presentation and explanation of the pedagogical and didactic e-referential, direct and participant observation, field notes, audiovisual records (photographs and video/audio recordings) in the classes, such as recording of recorded homework, focus group, interview with the cooperating teacher and also documentary analysis of the processes and guidelines of evaluation of students, 1st and 2nd periods. Descriptive statistical analysis and categorial content analysis were chosen to be used in the process of interpreting and analyzing the data.
Date of Award18 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuísa Orvalho (Supervisor)


  • Cello initiation
  • Digital tools
  • Parental involvement
  • Pedagogical and didactic e-referential for study support


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Música

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