Um estudo exploratório de metodologia mista de um programa de estimulação com arte visual para pessoas com demência em contexto de museu

Translated title of the thesis: A mixed-method exploratory study about a visual arts programme in a museum context for people with dementia
  • Marta Manuela Pereira de Carvalho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Objective: Evaluate the impact of one of the first art-gallery-based interventions for People with Dementia (PwD) and their caregivers in Portugal, on mood, Quality of Life (QoL), engagement, appreciation, and subjective experiences. Method: 27 PwD and 18 caregivers attended a six-week programme and were divided in two museums with distinct types of art (abstract vs. figurative), where each session had a discussion period and was followed by art production. This observational and exploratory study used a mixed-method approach, with qualitative and quantitative measures, and the results were compared between the two museums. Results: The sessions significantly increased the mood of PwD and their caregivers in the two museums, and QoL only increased for PwD (not for their caregivers). The participants demonstrated active and positive participation during the sessions, with respect to their spontaneous discourse, interest on the artworks, and alertness in both museums. The most frequent themes during the discussion sessions consisted of memory stimulation (episodic and semantic), and observations about descriptive, interpretative, and self-reflective aspects of the art pieces. The focus groups showed three key themes identified as important to the experience: Cognitive Stimulation, Social Interactions, and the Method used by the mediators. The evaluation questionnaires showed that the programme was well received for most PwD and their caregivers, in both museums. Conclusions: This study provides qualitative and quantitative evidence of the benefits of using art as an instrument for intervention with PwD and their caregivers in museums with abstract and figurative art. It also takes an in-depth look at the processes involved in art discussion sessions. Directions for future programmes and research are warranted.
Date of Award19 Dec 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAlexandre Castro Caldas (Supervisor)


  • Dementia
  • Non-pharmaceutical interventions
  • Museums
  • Neuroaesthetics
  • Art


  • Mestrado em Neuropsicologia

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