Um grupo, diferentes abordagens
: a produção noticiosa na Renascença e na RFM

  • Ana Raquel Antunes Figueiredo Serrano (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In a media landscape where the public has more possibilities than ever, it’s essential that radio stations differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive radio market – which competes among itself, but also with other media. The abundance of radio channels, as a result of constant technological progress, forces radio to produce daily content that says something about itself — something which goes beyond the chosen format for each channel. The ease of access to all types of information, greatly due to the internet, also contributes to the increasing need to produce unique content that reveals the radio station’s editorial policy, as well as its brand identity. The main goal of this work is to verify if the daily work of multiple radio stations in a single newsroom influences news production. Besides, we also want to understand if different radio formats and different audience contribute to different types of content. Therefore, an internship was made at the Grupo r/com news department so that we could closely observe the particular dynamics of a radio newsroom. We then developed an analysis to Renascença and RFM’s news bulletins, pointing out the most significant elements in terms of broadcasted information, keeping in mind that they have different formats and audiences, while in the same communication group. The results of the analysis to 20 news bulletins from each radio station show that RFM basically broadcasts the same news as Renascença. With different formats and audiences, however, Renascença not only has more time to provide information, but also gives a differentiated treatment to the news, deepening them and using several genres. Although the initial perception suggested that radio stations dedicate more time to different themes, what we can verify by further analyzing the news is that RFM doesn’t produce informative content which sets itself apart from Renascença. The study helps us understand that having multiple radio stations working in the same newsroom has, in fact, impact in the news, limiting the production of unique content for each radio station.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNelson Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Radio news
  • News production
  • Editorial policy
  • Identity
  • Format
  • Audience


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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