Um olhar especializado sobre a pessoa com doença crónica em situação crítica

  • Joana Isabel Gabriel Fajardo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


When caring for a person in critical condition, the medical-surgical nurse must have the necessary scientific, ethical, relational, and technical competencies. This work aims to chart the path followed towards the development of these competencies and to serve as a guide, which, once accessed, will allow its objective visualization as whole. The development and affirmation of the competencies necessary in medical-surgical nursing were gained in the context of an internship at the Emergency Service and Haemodialysis Clinic, integrated in the Medical-Surgical Nursing specialization of the Nursing master’s degree of the Lisbon School of Nursing in the Health Sciences Institute of the Catholic University of Portugal, and through accredited professional experience. The following work is divided into two parts. The first part consits of brief view of advanced nursing and the importance of the thories in a practical setting, followed by an evidence synthesis “The chronically ill person in critical condition: A Scoping Review”. The second part is a report which states and describes the medical-surgical nurse’s inherent competencies. The chosen subject matter, the chronically ill patient in critical condition, was present throughout the full duration of the internship, as well as the accredited professional experience. Life expectancy has seen an increase in the last years, contributing to a rise in the number of people with chronic illness (Certo et al., 2016), this phenomenon serves as the guiding premise for the subject matter at hand. The second part of this work aims to chart steps taken throughout this experience and the inherent competencies of a medical-surgical nurse, when caring for a patient in critical condition, through objectives, and critical reflexions built upon the knowledge of several different fields of study. The structure of this document is based on the Afaf Meleis Theory of Transitions.
Date of Award24 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFilipa Veludo (Supervisor)


  • Nursing
  • Chronic illness
  • Critical condition


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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