Um passo para cuidados de excelência

  • Mónica Catarina Pires Soares Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report is presented in the scope of the curricular unit of the Master's Degree in Nursing with Specialization in Medical-Surgical. This report focuses on the intership developed in an Intensive Care Unit of a central and university hospital in the metropolitan area of Porto and in the Northern Regional Delegation of the National Institute of Medical Emergency. It is my intention to present a critical-reflexive analysis on the nursing knowledge and skills developed in the context of the different stages. So, I tried to cluster the largest number of experiences that could contribute to the development of competencies that would enable the provision of differentiated care for the patient and his family in critical situations. The structure of this report took into account the common skills of the Specialist Nurse according to the Nurses' Order, and the competencies and objectives recommended in the Training Guide of the Portuguese Catholic University. In the preparation of this report, a descriptive/reflective methodology was adopted based not only on a bibliographic research and mobilization of concepts acquired in the theoretical component of the course but also on the personal, professional and academic experience. This report was structured in 3 parts. In the introduction, a brief contextualization of the most relevant aspects is made. In the development, I mention the course carried out in the intership pointing out knowledge consolidation and skills developed as well as identifying problems and solutions as an opportunity for improvement. The conclusion mirrors my personal reflections on an individual basis and a future perspective of the profession. From this experience, I emphasize the development of competencies on the nursing intervention in the field of the critically ill patient, in the management of multidisciplinary teams and in the provision of safe care for the patient in order to value the profession and the relevance of the specialist nurse. I conclude that this stage was a practical learning process in response to the needs of the critically ill patient, having achieved the goals autonomously, leading to personal and professional growth with health gains for the patient, profession and discipline.
Date of Award13 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Rocha (Supervisor)


  • Critical ill patient
  • Nursing
  • Knowledge
  • Competence


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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