Understanding and managing customer churning in the SVOD industry

  • Marina Rani (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper investigates the phenomenon of customer churning in the SVOD (Subscription Video On-Demand) industry. The work is based on an integrated approach, comprising an analysis of the relevant literature and a collection of primary data, both quantitative and qualitative. Different insights regarding the reasons behind customer churning emerged from the research results: the study revealed that content variety and pricing are two of the main triggers when it comes to decisions for subscribing or unsubscribing to a platform. Moreover, the importance of other factors such as direct and indirect substitutes and subscription fatigue was highlighted. Overall, the study underlines major aspects of the churning phenomenon in the SVOD industry, and it furnishes a theoretical framework that can serve as a baseline for several future studies and inquiries.
Date of Award16 Oct 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPeter V. Rajsingh (Supervisor)


  • Customer churning
  • SVOD industry
  • Theoretical framework
  • Management theories
  • Research analysis


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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