Validação de um método de cromatografia gasosa para determinação de perfis de ácidos gordos para novas matrizes alimentares

  • Cláudia Filipa Cordeiro Alves Fernandes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Companies like Silliker aim to meet food safety needs through the use of various quality control techniques, and these must also be supervised, through validation of these techniques. In this internship the usefulness of a fatty acid quantification method for five new matrices was analyzed, with the objective of validating whether it can be feasibly used in these matrices. To do this, the fairness, repeatability, intermediate precision and uncertainty of the method was studied for each matrix. Certified reference materials were used to evaluate the fairness and repeatability, and 7 replicates of the samples created in a single day were used for these analyses. It was possible to observe through the fairness that all results were within the ranges of the reference materials. In the repeatability study it was possible to observe that all the matrices were also acceptable. The intermediate precision was analyzed through duplicate tests on five different days of the same reference materials. After calculating the limit of intermediate precision for all fatty acid groups it was noted that the highest limit corresponds to 1.74% from the saturated fatty acid group. The uncertainty of the determined method establishes that these are reliable, so it can be concluded that the method can be used to quantify fatty acids in the matrices under study for the defined ranges with certainty of the results. In the future, it is suggested that other matrices be used to evaluate the applicability of the method in other foods. In summary, teamwork and the enhancement of professional skills provided an opportunity to be involved in the scientific-business environment and in the awareness of the various applications of biotechnology and innovation in the work context. In addition, the results obtained met the objectives of the work and implementation of an efficient method for the detection of fatty acids.
Date of Award7 Nov 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLaura Cristina Oliveira Sousa (Supervisor)


  • Fatty acids
  • Gas chromatography
  • Validation
  • Matrices


  • Mestrado em Biotecnologia e Inovação

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