Value co-creation in the service recovery
: an investigation of the effects on consumer perceptions and behavior in the airline industry

  • Simon Felix Lanz (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Although previous research has been highlighting the relevance of co-creation to create products that are closer to what customers want, the co-creation in a service recovery setting has not been investigated that deeply. Especially in a co-creation context, papers often discuss the relevance for new product innovations. However, this has not been evaluated this thoroughly in the service industry. For this reason, the purpose of this thesis is to measure and analyze the impact of co-created service recovery on customer satisfaction and illingness to recommend a company’s services as well as loyalty. To test our hypotheses, we developed an online survey with two different scenarios participants were exposed to. In one scenario, participants were facing a scenario in which the service recovery was not co-created, in the other scenario it was. In total, 148 responses could be collected amongst different demographics and backgrounds.
Our results show that co-created service recovery significantly improves the customer satisfaction, compared to settings where no co-creation is involved. Additionally, our model shows that customer satisfaction is a mediator of the impact of co-created service recovery and consumers’ willingness to recommend. Lastly, a moderating effect of brand loyalty between the co-created service recovery and customer satisfaction was evaluated, which could – against
our expectations – not be confirmed. Overall, this paper suggests the consideration of co-creation in the service recovery process, which can help boost elements like customer satisfaction and the willingness to recommend.
Date of Award16 Oct 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCláudia Isabel de Sousa Costa (Supervisor)


  • Co-creation
  • Service recovery
  • Service industry
  • Brand loyalty
  • Airline industry
  • Customer satisfaction


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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