Web push notifications como estratégia de angariação de público para a informação

  • Manuel Várzea Segurado Marques (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research carried out within the scope about Master of Science in Communication in thefield of Internet and New Media has as its central theme web push notifications, as a strategyto attract new users to the websites that use this new tool.The theoretical part of the dissertation refers the constant evolution of the digital world, aconsequence of the appearance of the Internet and the need that exists for people andcompanies to adapt to this new process, digitalization. As a consequence of the appearanceof the Internet, the world has changed, as has the way of doing business, something thatintroduces a new model of communication and a new model of sales.Also, as a consequence of the emergence of the Internet and the modernization of thecompanies, new business models have emerged, such as business through social networks,more specifically, business done through Facebook and Instagram. However, they have aproblem, the algorithm, something that is constantly changing, which makes the work ofcompanies more arduous in terms of attracting traffic to their websites.The empirical component explores the new traffic-gathering models used by companies, aswell as their results and best practices when using them.The companies needed to find a solution to social networks, since they had the character ofunpredictability associated to them, so they turned to notifications and thus, mobilenotifications and web push notifications emerged as alternatives to social networks, regarding to attract new users / customers.The dissertation explores the novelty that web push notifications introduced in companiesand their role in this new model of doing business. For this purpose, three case studies ofthree digital companies that use these notifications were analyzed, MSN, the newspaper OPúblico digital and the newspaper O Sol digital, where the main advantages anddisadvantages of these web push notifications and mobile notifications are analyzed and abest practices guide is also developed to use this new tool.
Date of Award9 Jun 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Figueiras (Supervisor)


  • Web push notifications
  • Internet
  • Mobile notifications
  • Algorithm
  • Users


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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