Winning isn´t everything
: push and pull factors of casinos in coastal Europe

  • Nuno Humberto Rocha Pires Carvalho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Gambling tourism is a subject that has been gaining a lot of interest and notoriety as of the last two decades. Push and pull factors have for long been the backbone of tourism studies and this thesis seeks to expound on this concept within the area of casinos. In this study, 1383 google reviews were extracted and analysed with Leximancer. These reviews were from 5 casinos in 5 different coastal cities in Europe: Algarve (Portugal), Cannes (France), Monte-Carlo, Malta, and Thessaloniki (Greece). Leximancer processes these reviews, through a process that transforms data into semantic patterns. The objective of this study was to extract concepts in the review and then pinpoint what category this concept belonged to and how relevant this factor was when it came to the tourist going to a destination. Leximancer generated a concept map and a dashboard that revealed the push and pull factor for casino goers at these 5 locations. Leximancer generated a concept map and a dashboard that revealed the push and pull factor for casino goers at these 5 locations. The dashboard gave a much more detailed analysis, where a hierarchy of strength, relative frequency, and prominence for these concepts in each category was given. Push factors consisted of tables, slot, play, machines, casino, games, atmosphere and beautiful. Pull factors consisted of win, money, fun, time, place and staff. These are considered the critical factors for success when it comes to these 5 casinos in coastal areas of Europe.
Date of Award26 Apr 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorHelena Rodrigues (Supervisor)


  • Gambling tourism
  • Casino
  • Push factors
  • Pull factors


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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