ZON Multimedia towards the future
: when it is all a matter of ‘fiber’ : a business strategy case sudy

  • Filipa Avilez de Bilbao do Nascimento (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


2008, one year after the spin-off from its mother company, ZON Multimedia was facing a new challenge: whether or not to deploy the Next Generation Network (NGN), fiber-to-the-home (FTTH). The exponential growing demand for higher capacity networks, competitive pressure, regulation and government pressure, as well as lower operational costs were the main drivers for the eventual deployment. However, the current ZON Multimedia’s technology had yet a high competitive capacity that promised to continue in the next years. The decision to move towards the adoption of FTTH or not is then widely discussed in this Thesis. Besides the Case Study, this Thesis includes a Literature Review section in which a theoretical basis is laid down for the analysis presented in the Teaching Note section. From the Case Study analysis it will be possible to understand ZON Multimedia current network technology’s advantages and disadvantages as well as the inherent strategic risks associated with the FTTH deployment. Moreover, it will be possible to understand that the high likelihood of ZON Multimedia main competitor moving to FTTH and the marketing strength of the term ‘fiber’, due to its superior characteristics and its lower operational costs, were undoubtedly food for thought at the time of the decision.
Date of Award9 Jan 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Magalhães Guedes (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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