Atividades por ano
- 35 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
Factors in the Ageing Process: Technologies, Gender and Space
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Barros, C. (Speaker)
6 nov. 2024Atividade
Navigating ageing in Portuguese transnational families: the role of digital technologies
Barros, C. (Speaker) & Ganito, C. (Speaker)
2 jul. 2024Atividade
XI Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture: Convivial Cultures
Santos, L. (Organiser), Martins, A. (Chair), Gonçalves, D. (Organiser), Abrantes, A. M. (Chair), Faria, L. L. D. (Chair), Gil, I. C. (Chair), Hanenberg, P. (Chair), Matoso, A. (Chair), Moura, J. (Chair), Ganito, C. (Chair), Ganito, T. (Chair), Ribeiro, N. (Chair), Pinto, P. C. (Chair), Faria, R. (Organiser), Maurício, A. F. (Chair), Maia, R. B. (Organiser) & Maurício, A. F. (Organiser)
28 jun. 2021 → 3 jul. 2021Atividade
Papers, Please!: digital games and the representation of borders as historic liminal spaces
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
11 jul. 2021Atividade
XVI Seminário Internacional OBITEL: A ficção televisiva em tempos de pandemia
Ribeiro, N. (Chair), Ganito, C. (Chair), Burnay, C. D. (Organiser), Lopes, P. (Organiser), Carvalho, A. L. C. (Participant), Félix, J. (Participant), de Sousa, M. N. (Participant), Torres, E. C. (Chair), Valdigem, C. (Chair), Ferreira, C. (Chair) & Fonseca, I. A. (Chair)
26 out. 2021Atividade
Mapping Digital Magazines: Reading as a Practice of Disconnection
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
3 jul. 2020Atividade
(I)mobile Remembrance: The Mobile Phone as a Technology of Grief and Mourning
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
12 jul. 2020Atividade
Curated Lives: Smartphones as Tools of Control, Anticipation and Avoidance
Ganito, C. (Keynote speaker)
8 jan. 2020Atividade
Digital games and the premediation of the digital future
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
13 jul. 2020Atividade
Cybersecurity in Everyday Life: citizens, families and organizations
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
20 fev. 2020Atividade
Perceções acerca do espaço urbano na contemporaneidade: um estudo sobre as flexões geradas pelo jogo Pokemon Go no que cabe a apreensão dos signos que compõem a paisagem urbana da cidade de Braga
Antunes da Cunha, M. (Presidente do Júri), Ganito, C. (Orientador) & Simão, E. (Arguente Principal)
21 fev. 2020Atividade
CLE – Culture Literacy in Europe and Cosmopolitan Conviviality.
Santos, L. (Member of programme committee), Lopes, A. (Member of programme committee) & Ganito, C. (Member of programme committee)
9 mai. 2019 → 11 mai. 2019Atividade
Unplugged Reading: Digital Disconnect as a form of resistance
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
23 jul. 2019Atividade
Empatia pós-humana: a tentativa de ‘ver’ digitalmente pelos olhos do outro
Ganito, C. (Speaker), Mauro, A. P. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
27 nov. 2019Atividade
What’s Keeping you On/Off? Analysis of social media and apps
Ganito, C. (Speaker), Ferreira, C. (Speaker) & Jorge, A. (Speaker)
31 out. 2018Atividade
Post-human translation: the role of digital technology in forging a new ecology for translation and media literacy
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
11 out. 2018Atividade
Social media, interrupted. Users recounting disconnection on social media
Ganito, C. (Speaker), Ferreira, C. (Speaker) & Jorge, A. (Speaker)
27 set. 2018Atividade
The “Central” Role of Women in the Development of the Relephone
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
20 jun. 2018Atividade
Gendering Old Age: The Role of Mobile Phones in the Experience of Aging for Women
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
15 jul. 2018Atividade
Dystopian motherhood in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
Ganito, C. (Speaker)
5 nov. 2018Atividade
To Unplug: How Digital Culture Shapes Privacy, Memory, and Death
Ganito, C. (Keynote speaker)
3 jul. 2018Atividade
Don’t read that book! – moral panics and social fears from Gutenberg to the Digital
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
16 jul. 2017Atividade
On And Off: Digital Practices Of Connecting And Disconnecting Across The Life Course
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Jorge, A. (Speaker)
20 out. 2017Atividade
Going off(line): Industry and user practices
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
16 jul. 2017Atividade
Janeitism: From Fandom to Transmedia
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
11 dez. 2017Atividade
Me and my stereotyped avatar: the construction of gender identity in second life
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
15 jun. 2016Atividade
Travelling images. Recycling, remixing and transforming visual content
Ganito, C. (Invited speaker) & Ribeiro, N. (Invited speaker)
28 jun. 2016Atividade
Women Speak: Gendering the life trajectory of mobile phones
Ganito, C. (Keynote speaker)
3 nov. 2015Atividade
Historical representation of minorities in digital games
Ganito, C. (Speaker) & Ferreira, C. (Speaker)
10 jul. 2011Atividade