Projetos por ano
Resultados da pesquisa
Spiritual assessment and a therapeutic intervention in mental health patients: An evidence-based implementation project
Martins, H. (PI) & Caldeira, S. (Project Coordinator)
1/03/23 → 14/02/25
Integral Human Development in the Portuguese context. A post-doctoral fellowship program
Hanenberg, P. (Project Coordinator), Ubach Trindade, R. (Project Manager), Barros, C. (Fellow), Minga, E. (Fellow), Abalroado, T. (Fellow), Pereira, A. (Fellow), d'Araújo, M. A. (Fellow), Martins, H. (Fellow), Carvalho, C. S. (Fellow), Santos, M. I. (Fellow), Romeiro, J. (Fellow), Wiórko, A. (Fellow), Koncz, L. (Fellow), Fernandes, S. (Fellow), Jesus, A. P. (Fellow), Silva, D. (Fellow), Peters, D. (Fellow), Silva, E. (Fellow), Cardoso, E. P. (Fellow), Franco, S. G. (Fellow) & Noronha, E. C. (Fellow)
1/09/21 → 31/12/27
Project MAR: Monitoring and assessment of pain in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a best practice implementation project
Martins, H. (PI), Caldeira, S. (PI), Rpdrigues, R. (Investigador), Martins, M. (Investigador), Martins, D. (Investigador), Pimenta, A. (Investigador), Cabrita, P. (Investigador) & Belchior, M. (Investigador)
3/05/23 → 30/09/24
Spirituality and digital health: the STEP app
Caldeira, S. (PI), Martins, H. (PI) & Romeiro, J. (PI)
1/04/23 → 31/12/23