Atividades por ano
- 4 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
Evaluation of phosphorus absorption efficiency in the kiwi crop after biofertilizer application
Silva, M. N. D. (Arguente Principal)
dez. 2023Atividade
Microbiome-based approaches to induce host resistance based on pine pitch canker experimental system
Silva, M. N. D. (Arguente Principal)
26 jul. 2022Atividade
Exploring host Defence mechanisms and sustaInable management tools for gREy mould mitigaTION in strawberry
Silva, M. N. D. (Arguente Principal)
2 nov. 2022Atividade
Evaluation of the biopesticidal properties of Thymus mastichina and Trachyspermum ammi essential oils against agricultural diseases and pests
Nunes da Silva, M. (Arguente Principal)
16 dez. 2021Atividade