Detalhes do projeto
The present project aims to define a new strategy and the creation of new tools to enable the achievement of this goal. This project is based on the analysis of the current situation in terms of good practices, programmes and legislation, as well as on surveys and focus groups in target groups, namely young people completing BA or Master’s degrees and highly skilled employees in companies and public administration. The project aims to develop a platform that includes an interactive database of all existing good practices, as well as of programmes and legislation in the different EU member states. This platform shall constitute the basis for activities aimed at raising awareness and increasing motivation among target groups and stakeholders such as employers, trade unions, policy makers, civil society organizations and research bodies, as well as mutual learning actions between stakeholders and other organisations working on or interested in these issues. Based on these activities and research, proposals for new policies and tools will be presented in order to allow the promotion of gender equality in political decision-making, namely equal representation of women and men in the 2024 European Parliament elections. This proposal will also aim to have an impact on the design, development and monitoring of national, regional and local policies to promote gender equality; to increase the capacity of national, regional and local authorities, civil society organizations, namely women’s organizations and the media, to overcome extant obstacles related to under-representation in political and economic decision-making and, finally, to strengthen cooperation and information exchange between bodies, through the development of a network of bodies (such as governments, regional and local authorities, civil society associations, women’s organizations, youth organisations, the media, and others identified during the execution of the project).
Acrónimo | ProPEGE |
Estado | Terminado |
Data de início/fim efetiva | 1/11/22 → 31/10/24 |
Parceiros colaborativos
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa (líder)
- University of Siena (Instituição Participante)
- University of Latvia (Instituição Participante)
- Fundacion Ronsel (Instituição Participante)
- Foundation Gaudete (Instituição Participante)
- Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU
Em 2015, os estados membros da ONU acordaram 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) globais para acabar com a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir a prosperidade para todos. O projeto contribui para o(s) seguinte(s) ODS:
Impressão digital
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