Heritage Art, Creation for Climate Change - Living the City: Catalyzing Spaces for Learning, Creation and Action Towards Climate Change

Detalhes do projeto


Heritage (public art/built heritage) monitorization for biodeterioration and condition conservation assessment both via scientific research and citizen science data. Focus on preventive conservation and citizen engagement. - Increase public awareness for both climate change and heritage protection, as well as interaction of these thru active involvement of citizens. - Develop of monitorization devices including sensors for surface temperature, light incidence and humidity, allowing for connectiveness (GSM, BLe, Wi-fi, GPS), energy sustainability (solar, i.e.) and open access for autonomous monitorization of public heritage. - Establish a Heritage Observatory to study the latest impacts of Rehabilitation and Tourism in Porto’s built heritage and evaluate the role of urban policy makers. - Implement new practices within rehabilitation sector by introducing concepts like: re-evaluating heritage and the usefulness of deconstruction and reuse(circular economy). - Introduce green practices in Tourism and related activities (rehabilitation/heritage exploitation). -Strengthen the transition to a Digital Society by the use of Digital Humanities for environmental and educational purposes. - Diagnose/ survey current practices on the adaptation to climate change and Benchmarking with the best international practices and outline Policy and Ethical recommendations for local governance institutions - Outline a methodology shared by researchers (academics) and citiziens based on Porto’s case study to rethink the post COVID 19 scenario. - Outline new models of territorial development and economic and social well -being through the contribution of Arts and Culture.
Data de início/fim efetiva1/05/2130/04/23


  • NORTE 2020: 499 284,68 €

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU

Em 2015, os estados membros da ONU acordaram 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) globais para acabar com a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir a prosperidade para todos. O projeto contribui para o(s) seguinte(s) ODS:

  • ODS 3 - Boa saúde e bem-estar
  • ODS 4 - Educação de qualidade
  • ODS 10 - Desigualdades reduzidas
  • ODS 11 - Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
  • ODS 13 - Ação climática
  • ODS 16 - Paz, justiça e instituições fortes

Impressão digital

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