Mappinig the evolving digital inclusion landscape to support cohesion and integration

  • Fialho, José (PI)

Detalhes do projeto


It was a project under the European Commission started in 2019 and ended in 2020.
The strategic objective of MEDICI is to develop and widely disseminate an interactive catalog of best practices and online maps of Europe that summarize existing good practices at local, regional or national level in order to better integrate vulnerable / disadvantaged groups into the digital society in all EU Member States. It will also identify areas where there are no initiatives to combat the digital divide and where people in situations of vulnerability are therefore more exposed to the risk of exclusion.
Data de início/fim efetiva1/01/1931/12/20

Parceiros colaborativos

Impressão digital

Explore os tópicos de investigação abordados neste projeto. Estas etiquetas são geradas com base nos prémios/concessões subjacentes. Em conjunto formam uma impressão digital única.