New Challenges in EU Competition Law Enforcement by national judges

  • Pais, Sofia Oliveira (Professor Coordenador)
  • Gal, Michal (Professor Catedrático)
  • Cleynenbreugel, Pieter Van (Professor Catedrático)
  • Botta, Marco (Investigador)
  • Ulfbeck, Vibe (Professor Catedrático)
  • Jurkowska-Gomüika, Agata (Professor Associado)
  • Greaves, Rosa (Professor Catedrático)
  • Quesada, Carmen Estevan de (Professor Catedrático)
  • Iacovides, Marios (Professor Auxiliar)
  • Torres, Isabel Fernández (Professor Catedrático)
  • Jones, Alison (Professor Catedrático)
  • Colino, Sandra Marco (Professor Associado)
  • Falce, Valeria (Professor Associado)

Detalhes do projeto


The aim of the project is to give national judges a detailed knowledge of key issues in competition law (antitrust rules, state aid control and private enforcement and application of antitrust rules to regulated industries) as well as the practical usefulness of those subjects, allowing national judges to apply correctly EU law. More cooperation between national judges from different Member States concurs to the effectiveness of EU law. In addition, in times of some skepticism about the European project, efficient justice systems are necessary to improve the trust of citizens and businesses in the functioning of a State and its institutions. The course aims to share research and knowledge among national judges and prosecutors from Portugal, Spain and Poland. Spain judges will benefit from the fact that the course is given in a country which is close geographically and in terms of language. Polish judges benefit from the fact that the university has several protocols with polish universities and research centres and has developed for several years competition research project with those institution and can benefit from the cooperation with Polish experts.
Acrónimo EUCLE
Data de início/fim efetiva4/04/1917/07/22

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa (líder)
  • University of Haifa
  • Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
  • University of Copenhagen
  • University Of Information Technology And Management In Rzeszow
  • Universidad de Valencia
  • Uppsala University
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • European University of Rome
  • University of Liege
  • Complutense University
  • King's College London

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