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[Associated Axes: RR2 and RR1]: A sociological study recently conducted by CITER (coord. by Alfredo Teixeira) shows that in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area the majority of people are still calling themselves Catholics. However, the habits are changing. In the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, there are more and more believers without professing any certain religion, which corroborates the well-known thesis of «believing without belonging». The majority of the population assumes to be Catholic, but not everyone attends the places of worship regularly. Other results of the project «Religious Identities in the Area of Greater Lisbon» show that people are tending to manage moments of prayer according to the routines of their lives. The project was supported by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and Patriarcado de Lisboa.
Data de início/fim efetiva1/10/17 → …

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