Revolucionando a Saúde: Capacitar os doentes através da valorização da inovação e a promoção do empreendedorismo

  • Oliveira, Pedro (PI)
  • Canhão, Helena (Investigador)
  • Zejnilovic, Leid (Investigador)
  • Pina e Cunha, Avelino (Investigador)
  • Rodrigues, Ana Maria (PI)
  • Sousa, Rute (PI)
  • Nesme, Yoan (Investigador)
  • Domingos, Pedro (Investigador)
  • Santos, Daniela (Investigador)
  • Veloso, Francisco (Investigador)

Detalhes do projeto


ur research shows that patients and caregivers often develop innovative solutions
to help them cope with their health condition, which improves their quality of life and others with similar conditions. Subsequently, we established a platform ( aimed at empowering patients/caregivers under medical supervision. Now we propose to create a medically supervised wiki, a tool to help patients/caregivers to improve technically their solutions and find resources to commercialize them so more people can benefit from them. Patient2Entrepreneur will launch a pilot of 5 patientdeveloped solutions to evaluate usability and cost-effectiveness, understand which are the critical resources to innovate and diffuse and define new policy-based models
to value patients in the healthcare innovation supply chain. Through an existent and
successful network effect, it will benefit patients to actively control their lives, and the
healthcare sector by reducing costs.
Data de início/fim efetiva1/09/181/09/18

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