An investigation of peer to peer online health communication: perspectives of Pakistani adolescent girls

Faiza Muneeb, Akber Ali, Sana Mehmood

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Online communication has already replaced the traditional means of communications as it offers a great platform for boys and girls to have discussions on various topics including health issues. The objectives of the study were to examine the peer-to-peer online communication about the healthy lifestyle of Pakistani teenage girls. The study was qualitative in nature, which investigates experiences and reasons for using online tools by Pakistani teenage girls for discussing healthy lifestyles. For this purpose, (10) semi-structured interviews of Pakistani teenage girls were conducted. The results revealed that physical and mental health is positively affected by sharing experiences with online peers. Obtaining information, getting emotional support, sharing, and exchanging personal health problems and issues using online communication proved to be beneficial for teenage Pakistani girls. However, evaluation of positive results of online peer to peer communication on health-related topics is still attainable. One of the reasons for Pakistani teenage girls to seek a healthy lifestyle online is cultural barriers, expensive medical treatments, not consulting nutritionists, and unavailability of medical centers in Pakistan. Having a greater amount of discussion with the peer’s online, emotional support, trust, self-esteem extensively related to Pakistani girl’s perception. A positive environment and eminence of social and emotional support through online groups can yield good results on the health of an individual.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)82-93
Número de páginas12
RevistaPakistan Journal of Social Research
Número de emissão2
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - jun. 2021
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