Blockchain: a new way of art distribution and its legal implications

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The blockchain is a technology that has become a big deal between society during the last few years. Bitcoin has been the most well-known format inside this system. However, there is more to the blockchain than the cryptocurrencies. The blockchain has, as one of the main purposes, to create a fair economic future and in the future, its technology could be used for the distribution of heavy files, as films. There are several advantages that this technology could bring, not only in terms of works distribution and promotion but also of gains. This can provide, in countries with smaller cinema industries and which are ruled mainly by government subsidies, like several European cases, an economic, artistic and cultural improvement of their industries. The purpose of this study is centered on analyzing the distribution of films and music using blockchain technology and legal procedures like smart contracts and NFTs – Non-Fungible Tokens, and expose the main differences from the traditional way of distribution, in terms of efficiency and complexity of the processes. In other words, the Author’s Rights and Related Rights of European countries for music and films will be analyzed along with their legal practices and compare its efficacy with the blockchain system use. The purpose is to discover in what way this new technology can contribute to a more adequate form of distribution during a time where people are being so dependent of the digital technologies to communicate and receive information, in a time where the artists are even struggling more to sell and expose their work and when it seems important to discover viable ways for them to develop a career and to make a decent living out of it.
Idioma originalEnglish
Número de páginas1
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 21 set. 2021
EventoRCSL 2021 Virtual Meeting - Online
Duração: 21 set. 202122 set. 2021


ConferênciaRCSL 2021 Virtual Meeting

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