Development of flow injection potentiometric methods for the off-line and on-line determination of fluoride to monitor the biodegradation of a monofluorophenol in two bioreactors

Raquel B. R. Mesquita, Inês C. Santos, Marta F.F. Pedrosa, Anouk F. Duque, Paula M. L. Castro, António O. S. S. Rangel

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11 Citações (Scopus)
11 Transferências (Pure)


Water treatment has become a source of concern as new pollutants and higher volumes of waste water must be treated. Emerging biological approaches, namely the use of bioreactors, for cleaning processes have been introduced. The use of bioreactors requires the development of efficient monitoring tools, preferably with real-time measurements. In this work, a couple of flow injection systems were developed and optimized for the potentiometric determination of fluoride to monitor a rotating biological contactor (RBC) bioreactor and a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with off-line and on-line sampling. Both the RBC and the SBR bioreactors were set up for the biodegradation of the halogenated organic compound 2-fluorophenol and, as fluoride was a degradation byproduct, the process was monitored by following up its concentration. The described flow injection potentiometric methods enabled the fluoride determination within the required quantification range 0.10-100 mM. The possible interferences from the growth medium were minimized in-line. The determination rate was 78 h -1 for the off-line monitoring of RBC and 50-1 h for the on-line monitoring of the SBR, with a sample consumption of 0.500 mL and 0.133 mL per determination, respectively. Furthermore, the overall reagent consumption was quite low. The accuracy of the system was evaluated by comparison with a batch procedure. The SBR efficiency was monitored both on-line by the flow system and off-line by HPLC, for comparison purposes.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)1291-1297
Número de páginas7
Número de emissão5
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 15 jun. 2011
Evento16th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis - Garden Sea View Resort Hotel, Pattaya
Duração: 25 abr. 201030 abr. 2010
Número de conferência: 16

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