Distributed control patterns using device profile for web services

J. Marco Mendes, Alexandre Rodrigues, Paulo Leitão, Armando W. Colombo, Francisco Restivo

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5 Citações (Scopus)


Automation systems are changing from the centriccontrolled approach to a more flexible and autonomous behavior. The contribution to this philosophy comes from several technologies, including service-oriented concepts. This work focus on some open points of enhanced communication and control patterns and presents it in form of a multi-use communication module. For the development of such systems, the SOA4D implementation of Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS) was used. The specified communication structure that works on top of the DPWS toolkit can be integrated in software applications targeting but not limited to embedded devices. The resulting interaction patterns also establish a stronger association to real life services and define flexible communication routines between service requester and provider.
Idioma originalEnglish
Número do artigo4815040
Páginas (de-até)353-360
Número de páginas8
RevistaProceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2008
Publicado externamenteSim
Evento2008 12th Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, EDOCW 2008 - Munich
Duração: 16 set. 200816 set. 2008

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