Fashion: from 3D printing to digital fashion

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Our scope is to emphasize the massive changes brought about by 3D and 4D printing in the fashion world (now connected with augmented reality and virtual reality) by addressing the concept of 3D printing and explaining when and how it started to develop in fashion, becoming the sewing machine of the twenty-first century. It has allowed for great changes in the fashion industry, namely the appearance of more sustainable, and customized apparel and accessories, simpler logistics and less transaction costs. This requires increased creativity, because it demands the cooperation of specialists from many different areas. New and before deemed impossible shapes have arisen. The final idea of prosumer and its meaning is before us. If we add 4D printing, that is, “intelligent” materials, 3D printing enters our day lives, with wearables and smart clothes. All this raises questions regarding copyright and industrial property protection and possible infringement in those areas. Current 4D products also raise questions regarding personal data protection. We will address how to protect intellectual property and personal data in this world of digital fashion, where augmented and virtual reality play a roll of increased importance.
Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoAdvances in 3D printing
EditoresAshutosh Sharma
Número de páginas16
ISBN (eletrónico)9781803558455
ISBN (impresso)9781803558448, 9781803558431
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 23 fev. 2023

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