Gains from the rehabilitation of nursing to the elderly with the mobility deficit by femur fracture

Maria João Soares, Rogério Ferrinho Ferreira, João Vítor Vieira

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The objective of this chapter is to identify the gains associated with rehabilitation nursing care implemented in the elderly person with mobility deficit of the fractured femur. An integrative literature review with a qualitative synthesis retrospectively by 2014 was used. Older femur fractures undergo physical changes that affect their motor function and cause dependence in their activities of daily living (ADLs). From the specialized intervention in rehabilitation nursing, sensitive gains in mobility, functional independence in ADLs, hospital admission and rehabilitation time, quality of life and mortality rate, and health expenditures emerge were found. Fracture of the femur is usually associated with a fall from a height and occurs mainly in independent females in ADLs. In this population, gains that are sensitive to rehabilitative nursing care are recognized in the scientific evidence. The rehabilitation nurse thus has a relevant role in the qualification and quality of life of the person, with evident implications in the elderly care, in an institutional and community context.

Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoResearch anthology on supporting healthy aging in a digital society
EditoraIGI Global Publishing
Número de páginas12
ISBN (eletrónico)9781668452967
ISBN (impresso)1668452952, 9781668452950
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 1 jan. 2022
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