Ignatian pedagogy and teacher training in higher education

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


In a society as complex as the one we live in today, ideologically and religiously plural, globalized, scientifically powerful, but vulnerable and, dominated by capitalist rationality, the risks of populism, polarization and post-truth, the Society of Jesus feels called, also through its universities, to promote dialogue, social justice, and personal empowerment. This paper presents and discusses the impact of a teacher’s training experience at UNIJES, the Network of Jesuit University, to promote Ignatian Pedagogy in their universities and classrooms. With a brief presentation of the UNIJES and Ignatian Pedagogy principles, the training is presented, and its implications discussed. More than focused on technical and scientific dimensions, this training pretends to promote identity, values and mission at the service of students’ integral human development, leader in and for the service to others, but also an institutional orientation toward this service, social justice, and common good.
Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoIreland International Conference on Education
EditoraInfonomics Society
ISBN (eletrónico)9781913572686
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - out. 2023
EventoIreland International Conference on Education - Royal Marine Hotel, Dún Laoghaire
Duração: 11 abr. 202313 abr. 2023


ConferênciaIreland International Conference on Education
Título abreviadoIICE-2023
CidadeDún Laoghaire

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