La teoria de las fortalezas en trabajo social: una intervencion desde la resiliência

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Framed by the debate on "theories of the practice in social work", from which emanate reference for action and, in a broader perspective, in the debate on the capacitation of the individual having as reference their resilience ability, the purpose of the communication is to understand how you can build the capacity of action of individuals based on the theoretical reference of the strengths in social work. The relevance of the strengths perspective for intervention derives from its purpose to reverse the logic of intervention, focusing on the strengths and positive dynamics. This approach has been a growing popularity and represents an alternative to traditional practices, presenting a different way of looking at people and their circumstances. The research undertaken2 aimed to understand the limits and possibilities of the strengths perspective for social work in Portugal in a social context of vulnerability. Taking a methodological strategy of qualitative research, the study of multiple cases was used as a key process, having as unit of study the process of professional intervention. The study concluded that an intervention developed under the framework of the strengths perspective becomes a multiple movement that includes the intervention process, the professional and the user, allowing a different approach to social problems, and afterwards the reconstruction of the professional culture. The the collaborative relationship and the vision of the project allow us to consider the strengths perspective as a differentiating proposal of the creative processes of individual capacity, while demonstrating the strength of the theory as a guide to action
Idioma originalSpanish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoRespuestas transdisciplinares en una sociedad global
Subtítulo da publicação do anfitriãoaportaciones desde el trabajo social
EditoresDomingo Carbonero Muñoz, Esther Raya Díez, Neus Caparrós Civera, Chabier Gimeno Monterde
EditoraUniversidad Internacional de la Rioja
Número de páginas20
ISBN (impresso)9788460873648
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2016
