Local scale integrated approaches for enhancing water reuse: constructed wetland case study

João Pedro Magalhães, Cristina Calheiros, Marina Dolbeth, Francisco Arenas, Sofia Pereira, George Tsiamis, Spyrus Ntougias

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Constructed wetlands (CWs) are engineered systems, considered a nature-based solution (NBS), that are inspired and mimic many processes (physical, biological, and chemical) and functions that occur in natural wetlands. CIRQUA-Integrated Approaches at Local Scale for Enhancing Water Reuse Efficiency and Sustainable Soil Fertilization from Wastewater’s Recovered Nutrients is a project that aims to improve NBS, focusing on CWs for wastewater treatment and water recovery in rural areas. The aim is to upgrade CWs using technological achievements, such as innovative nanostructured filters and photocatalytic modules, sensors and automation in operation, precision irrigation principles, and the integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tools. These innovative technological achievements are being implemented in a case study in Portugal through the upgrading of an existing polyculture horizontal subsurface flow CW, in a rural area for the wastewater treatment of a tourism house. The CW was designed to act as secondary biological treatment, being placed after a previously installed septic tank. Wastewater quality assessment and biodiversity characterization are being carried out in order to evaluate the upgrading of the system.
Idioma originalEnglish
Número de páginas1
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2024
EventoECWS-8 2024 Conference: The 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences -
Duração: 14 out. 202416 out. 2024


ConferênciaECWS-8 2024 Conference

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