Molecular highlights in peri-implantitis

Mariana Saavedra, António Silva, Nuno Rosa, Maria Correia, Marlene Barros

Resultado de pesquisa

12 Transferências (Pure)


Dental implants are one of the most frequently used treatment options for tooth replacement. Approximately 30% of patients with dental implants develop peri‐implantitis, which is an oral inflammatory disease. As established in 1993 at the First European Workshop on Periodontology, peri‐implant disease is a collective term for inflammatory processes in the implant surrounding tissues. Peri‐implant mucositis was defined as a reversible inflammatory process in the soft tissues surrounding a functioning implant, whereas peri‐implantitis is an inflammatory process additionally characterized by loss of peri‐implant bone. The diagnose of Peri‐implantitis is based on clinical, radiographic, microbiological and biological information. Several clinical studies use molecular biology assays to identify proteins in crevicular fluid that will be the initiation and progression of Peri‐implantitis disease, for the purpose of these study we used saliva sample. The aim of this study is to correlate the molecular and clinical characterization of peri‐implantar disease in order to improve our knowledge in the molecular pathophysiology of peri‐implant infections. For the development of future therapeutic strategies, it is essential to understand the molecular pathophysiology of human dental peri‐implant infections.
Idioma originalEnglish
Número de páginas1
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2016
Evento2º Simpósio da Ciência e Tecnologia da Vida e da Saúde - Campus da Foz da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto
Duração: 30 set. 201630 set. 2016


Conferência2º Simpósio da Ciência e Tecnologia da Vida e da Saúde

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