
ON/OFF is the result of a collaborative process of creation/composition by the hand and eye of the team members involved. It is, merely and only, a vision and reflection that encompasses various perceptions of a vision of the present space that surrounds us. The creative process facilitated an exploration of ideas and elements that were worked on and organized with each other in a structural way, with the aim of creating a solid and correlative discourse between music and image. During the performance, over indeterminate periods of time, AI systems and musicians contribute to what can be a reference of vision and perspectivist time travel. In the performance space is an ego chamber that turns itself on and off, as if it were seen and heard. We compute the future by going back in time, through models and our own records that constitute a possible videography.

Recorded live on September 23, 2023 at the 19th Circular Performing Arts Festival.

Artistic Direction: José Alberto Gomes and João Tiago Dias | Electronics: José Alberto Gomes | Percussion: João Tiago Dias | Drums and Percussion: Mário Costa | Saxophone: João Mortágua | Electric Guitar: Miguel Moreira | AI System for Image Generation: Luís Arandas | Recording and Mixing: Daniel Santos | Production: José Alberto Gomes | Mastering: Nelson Carvalho | Design: André Covas

The Supernova Ensemble is an independent artistic project, incubated in Circular's “Artist in Residence” program.
Idioma originalEnglish
EditoraSupernova Ensemble
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 28 set. 2024
Evento19.º Circular Festival de Artes Performativas - Teatro Municipal de Vila do Conde, Vila do Conde
Duração: 23 set. 202323 set. 2023

Impressão digital

Mergulhe nos tópicos de investigação de “on​/​off“. Em conjunto formam uma impressão digital única.
