Os contributos das organizações para as motivações dos trabalhadores temporários de agência

S. Lopes, F. Sobral, M. J. Chambel

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


Although the human motivations are considered important, the study of this subject among temporary agency workers (TAW) is still limited. Moreover, thinking on the self-determination theory makes it necessary to understand how can organizations contribute to the TAW motivations. Using a sample with 1840 individuals and performing an analysis with structural equation modeling, we
studied the relation between the human resources practices and the perceived organizational support, both from the agency and from the client company, towards the TAW. We also tested the possibility of mediation between the human resources practices and the motivations through the perceived organizational support given by the agency and the client company. The results suggest a
positive relation between the human resources practices and both perceived organizational support. However contrary to what was expect the results showed that the perceived organization support from the client company only mediates the relation between the practices and the external motivation; and the perceived organizations support from the client agency only mediates the relation between the practices and the voluntary motivations. The results also showed that
organizations contribute to the TAW motivations so, it is important to considerer the complexity of their double employment relation: one with the agency and another one with the client company.
Título traduzido da contribuiçãoOrganizations contributes to temporary agency workers’ motivations
Idioma originalPortuguese
Título da publicação do anfitriãoVIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2013
Publicado externamenteSim
EventoVIII National Symposium of Psychology Research - Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro
Duração: 20 jun. 201322 jun. 2013
Número de conferência: 8


ConferênciaVIII National Symposium of Psychology Research

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