
Pangaea is a book-exhibition featuring a new work by Carolina Grilo Santos on the idea of an emotional science, curated by Ana Carvalho, Gloria Adu-Kankam and João Carvalha. The book is a collection of images that Carolina has been archiving around concepts that shape the disciplinary realm of science. Maps, legends, registrations tables, measuring systems, scales, and models of representation are all structures of the scientific process and the images that Carolina collects. In this book- exhibition these images guide us on the scientific process to be decodified by a Pangaea Map, linking the rationale of science with the emotional dimension of human perception and our relation with the world. If science is the common ground to understand where we live, emotions are our way of connecting the parts that make the world we live in. Carolina Grilo Santos (b.1993, Aveiro) is a dynamic and prolific visual artist and curator based in Porto, Portugal. Her work ranges from painting, installations, video and performance. She has participated in a number of international exhibitions including the 2016 European Itinerant CreArt Exhibition, Notes on Tomorrow, curated by Luísa Santos. In 2017, she was among the selected participants for the First Edition of the emergent Portuguese Art Catalog. Through exploring nostalgia and newness, Carolina Grilo Santos addresses a kind of hybridity between the past, present and an unrevealed future, from which she creates diverse spaces of signification. Through her work by combining different contexts, concepts and artistic media, she explores ideas such as the continuing change of the world, the permanent state of reaction to new stimuli, and also a certain insensitivity and apathy in face of the multiplicity of information with which we are confronted every day.
Idioma originalEnglish
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2021
EventoThe Fold(s) - Hangar, Lisboa
Duração: 22 abr. 202122 abr. 2021

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