Photogrammetric and intraoral digital impression technique for the rehabilitation of multiple unfavorably positioned dental implants: a clinical report

Pedro Molinero-Mourelle, Walter Lam, Cascos Sánchez Rocio, Luýs Azevedo*, Gómez Polo Miguel

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

14 Citações (Scopus)


The aim of this clinical report is to describe the use of the photogrammetric system and intraoral scanning as a reliable technique to record the 3-dimensional implant positions of a full-arch maxillary implant-supported fixed rehabilitation in which the implants were unfavorably positioned. The stereo camera of the photogrammetric system was used to capture the 3-dimensional panoramic position of the implants. The information on soft tissues was obtained with an intraoral scanner. Then, the 2 digital files (standard tessellation language [STL] files) were subsequently superimposed using a best-fit alignment function to generate the definitive digital model with information on teeth, soft tissues, and implants.

Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (de-até)398-402
Número de páginas5
RevistaJournal of Oral Implantology
Número de emissão5
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2019
Publicado externamenteSim

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