Quality evaluation of websites with information on child dental trauma in Portuguese language

M. Crespo, J. Carvalho, A. Correia, P. Mesquita

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The purpose of this research was to assess the quality of information on dental traumatic injuries in children, available for the Portuguese speaking population, on the WWW. A web search was performed using Google'sR search engine and the keywords: "Traumatismo de dentes" AND "Crianca", "Perda de dentes" AND "Crianca", "Fratura de dentes" AND "Crianca". The first 50 consecutive search results were assessed. Quality evaluation of websites was performed using HONcode Certification (Health of the Net Foundation) and DISCERN Quality Criteria for the Health Information Consumer. None of the websites evaluated had HON's accreditation (0%) and only 3 scored the maximum rating according to DISCERN criteria (6%). Results show that, although dental trauma presents high frequency among children, adolescents and young adults, there seems to be lack of quality information on this theme in Portuguese language, available on WWW.
Idioma originalEnglish
Título da publicação do anfitriãoBiodental Engineering III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering, BIODENTAL 2014
EditoraTaylor and Francis - Balkema
Número de páginas6
ISBN (eletrónico)9780429227004
ISBN (impresso)9781138026711
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - 2014
Publicado externamenteSim
Evento3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering, BIODENTAL 2014 - Porto
Duração: 22 jun. 201423 jun. 2014

Série de publicação

NomeBiodental Engineering III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering, BIODENTAL 2014


Conferência3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering, BIODENTAL 2014

Impressão digital

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