Quorum-sensing regulator RhlR but not its autoinducer RhlI enables Pseudomonas to evade opsonization

Samantha Haller, Adrien Franchet, Abdul Hakkim, Jing Chen, Eliana Drenkard, Shen Yu, Stefanie Schirmeier, Zi Li, Nelson Martins, Frederick M. Ausubel, Samuel Liégeois, Dominique Ferrandon*

*Autor correspondente para este trabalho

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18 Citações (Scopus)


When Drosophila melanogaster feeds on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, some bacteria cross the intestinal barrier and eventually proliferate in the hemocoel. This process is limited by hemocytes through phagocytosis. P. aeruginosa requires the quorum-sensing regulator RhlR to elude the cellular immune response of the fly. RhlI synthesizes the autoinducer signal that activates RhlR. Here, we show that rhlI mutants are unexpectedly more virulent than rhlR mutants, both in fly and in nematode intestinal infection models, suggesting that RhlR has RhlI-independent functions. We also report that RhlR protects P. aeruginosa from opsonization mediated by the Drosophila thioester-containing protein 4 (Tep4). RhlR mutant bacteria show higher levels of Tep4-mediated opsonization, as compared to rhlI mutants, which prevents lethal bacteremia in the Drosophila hemocoel. In contrast, in a septic model of infection, in which bacteria are introduced directly into the hemocoel, Tep4 mutant flies are more resistant to wild-type P. aeruginosa, but not to the rhlR mutant. Thus, depending on the infection route, the Tep4 opsonin can either be protective or detrimental to host defense.

Idioma originalEnglish
Número do artigoe44880
RevistaEMBO Reports
Número de emissão5
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - mai. 2018
Publicado externamenteSim

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