Radix, Matrix: community belonging and the ecclesial form of universalistic communitarism

Título traduzido da contribuição: Radix, Matrix : Community belonging and the ecclesial form of universalistic communitarism

Resultado de pesquisa


If inclusion is the constitutive social function of community belonging, the foundational values of historical communities must be scrutinized in the light of their coherence with this social function. Inclusion thus becomes a normative criterion for the legitimation of particular community belonging, showing that they are socially functional and coherent with themselves only if they respect an internal dynamics of inclusive and emancipatory universalization, opposed to exclusive and regressive particularism, often and illegitimately associated with community belonging. This insight is reinforced by the critical-comparative appeal to the historical-theological notion of ecclesiality established within Christianity, which provides stimulating prospects for an ethically and legally normative definition of citizenship. Different perspectives (exegetico-theological, philosophico-theoretical and historico-critical) come across in this debate to verify this interdependence and the consistency of the corresponding normative formulation of the principle of inclusion.
Título traduzido da contribuiçãoRadix, Matrix : Community belonging and the ecclesial form of universalistic communitarism
Idioma originalEnglish
Local da publicaçãoLisboa
EditoraUniversidade Católica Editora
Número de páginas80
ISBN (eletrónico)9789725405895
ISBN (impresso)9789725405901
Estado da publicaçãoPublicado - fev. 2018
EventoEX NIHILO, A “Zero Conference” on Research in the Religious Fields, EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION 2017 - EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION, Bologna
Duração: 18 jun. 201722 jun. 2017

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